Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Directions: How To Get From Here To There

Overview(Introduction) :
Giving and receiving directions in English is a great lesson because it is useful, easy, and can be modified to suit different levels and abilities. In addition students practice movement, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills. Because of this, the students tend to remember this lesson pretty well. This lesson works well with students ranging from primary school students to adults (and even to some degree in nursery school). .

Optional Song:
I like to use the song “Tootsie Roll” as an introduction because the kids can follow the directions pretty easily (examples: “I put my hand upon my hip, when I dip you dip we dip” and “to the left, to the left, to the right, to the right”- you get the point).

Warm up:
I start the lesson out with a game of “Hot and Cold”. A pair of students is sent out of the room, while the rest of the classmates hide an object. They are then allowed back in and depend on the other students` cues to home in on the target. When they get closer, students use adjectives like warm, warmer, hot, burning, on fire, etc… to let them know that they are getting closer. When they stray away from the target, students use adjectives such as cool, cold, colder, freezing, ice cold, etc. The students usually get pretty into this game so we practice it for about 10 minutes.

Vocabulary and key sentences.
Depending on the level of the class, you can make this more difficult or easier, however, I use the following as a basic outline. The students practice reading and saying the following Words and Sentences:
Where ,Go(to), Turn, Right, Left, Straight, Forward, Back, Past (pass), Block, Street, Before, Signal, (Stop) Sign.

Key sentences:
Where is the post office?

At the signal, turn right.
(location) (action)

Go straight past the post office
Turn right at the Lawson’s
(action) (location).

I prepare a large map, and give all of the students smaller maps to trace along with. The students practice getting to and from locations on the map by dictating directions, after they practice a couple of times as a group with the teacher. Then I pick on random groups of students to help guide me from point A to point B.

Once the students become comfortable with the simple map, I pull out real maps of real places and challenge them to find their way to and from real places, such as Space World, Kumamoto Castle, or any other places that they know and are interested in. After they get the hang of this, we move on to the games.

Game #1: Police dispatch.
This is a role playing game, in which one student is a robber, one is a witness/dispatcher, and one is a police officer. The robber picks a heist location (for example, the J.A. Bank) and chooses another location as a safe house (the Zoo), while the police officers wait outside. Then it is up to the witness/dispatcher to direct the police officer to the safe house. After this is completed, participants change roles. The police officer who catches the robber the fastest (who picks the safe house out the fastest) is the winner. You can also play this with one robber team and one cop team with a student team or teacher giving directions.

Game #2: Treasure Hunt.
In this game, you scatter a trail of clues, each one leading to another clue. It is best to make up several trails and to split the students into groups of reasonable size. Students read the clues out loud and use team work to get to the objective. This game is also a good way to review location words, adjectives, and random vocabulary.

Game #3: The Blind Race
This game is like “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”, but more fun. Have the students set up a course of check points that the students must touch, go through, or avoid. One student is then blindfolded and their team feeds them verbal cues to navigate through the course. Other spatial words should also be taught (such as up and down) along with other useful action words (crawl, jump, etc…).

My students like directions, so we usually spend two or three lessons on this topic. The games are English intensive in nature, so I dedicate more time to them, and only as much time as necessary to learn the key sentences and vocabulary.
This lesson is ideal because students practice speaking, listening, movement, gestures, critical thinking skills, and teamwork. Also, students will be able to use this English in everyday conversations in class, when conversing with other English speakers, or while traveling.

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Evolusi Software

Software Komputer adalah kumpulan dari pada intruksi atau statement yang di susun secara logis dan berbentuk kode yang hanya dapat di mengerti oleh komputer. Software Komputer ini berangsur-angsur mengalami peningkatan atau perubahan dari tahun ke tahun dalam perkembangannya. Berdasarkan perkembangannya, Sejarah Perkembangan Software Komputer dibagi dalam beberapa era yaitu Era Pioneer, Stabil, Mikro, dan Modern. Berikut adalah Sejarah
Perkembangan Software Komputer :

1. Era Pioneer. Pada Era Pioneer ini bentuk software komputer pada awalnya adalah sambungan-sambungan kabel ke antar bagian dalam komputer, Cara dalam mengakses komputer adalah menggunakan punched card yaitu kartu yang di lubangi. Penggunaan komputer saat itu masih dilakukan secara langsung, sebuah program digunakan untuk sebuah mesin tertentu dan untuk tujuan tertentu. Di era ini software komputer merupakan satu kesatuan dengan sebuah hardware komputer.

2. Era Stabil. Pada Era Stabil ini baris-baris perintah software komputer yang dijalankan oleh komputer bukan lagi satu-satu, tapi sudah banyak proses yang di lakukan secara bersamaan (multi tasking). Software Komputer pada era ini juga mampu menyelesaikan banyak pengguna (multi user) dan secara cepat/langsung (real time). Di era ini jugalah mulai di kenal sistem basis data, yang memisahkan antara program dan data .

3. Era Mikro. Pada Era Mikro ini software komputer dapat dibedakan menjadi beberapa bagian yaitu Software Sistem (Windows, Linux, Machintos, dll), Software Aplikasi (Ms.Office, OpenOffice, dll) dan Languange Software/Bahasa Pemograman (Assembler, Visual Basic, Delphi, dll)

4. Era Modern. Pada Era Modern ini software komputer tidak hanya untuk sebuah komputer tetapi sebuah handphone pun telah di lengkapi dengan sebuah software sistem seperti Android, Symbian, dll. Tingkat kecerdasan yang ditunjukkan oleh software komputer pun semakin meningkat, selain permasalahan teknis, software komputer sekarang juga mulai bisa mengenal suara dan gambar